
You’ve Been Tagged! Halloween Tag


October is the perfect month to get to know my fellow bloggers a bit better! So, consider yourself tagged for this fun Halloween survey. 🎃


  1. What scent sets the holiday mood?
  2. Favorite Halloween Fun Size Candy Bar?
  3. Favorite Halloween movie?
  4. Favorite seasonal sweet?
  5. What toppings are on the perfect candy apple?
  6. What’s your favorite costume you ever wore on Halloween?
  7. Most enjoyable fall tradition?
  8. Pumpkin Patch Hayride or Haunted Hayride?
  9. What song is a must for a Halloween Party Playlist?
  10. Favorite Halloween Monster: Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.?
  11. Cider or Cocoa?
  12. Scary movies or Scaredy cat?
  13. Pumpkin Spice: Yum, or Yuck?
  14. Which is scariest: Spiders, Zombies, or Clowns?
  15. Best find in your Trick or Treat bag?
  16. Worst thing to get in your Trick or Treat bag?

Here are my answers:
What scent sets the holiday mood?
Cinnamon Spice! I love the brooms, pine cones, candles, and anything else I get my hands on. 

Favorite Halloween Fun Size Candy Bar?
When it comes to chocolate, it’s impossible to pick a favorite. Snickers, KitKats, Peanut M&M’s, Heath…they’re all good.
Favorite Halloween movie?
Family Favorite- Hocus Pocus. I adore scary movies, too…not gory, but one with a good suspenseful plot, and a dark and stormy feel to it, is perfect!

Favorite seasonal sweet?
Chocolate Covered Apples
What toppings are on the perfect candy apple?
Chocolate, Caramel, and Crushed Peanut Butter Cups. (I have chills thinking about it).

What’s your favorite costume you ever wore on Halloween?
Wonder Woman (Because nobody messes with a super hero’s candy).

Most enjoyable fall tradition?
Finding the perfect pumpkin to carve in the pumpkin patch…then, buying a cheap replacement at the grocery store, because the other one is too perfect to carve. (It will look so perfect with the Thanksgiving decor).

Pumpkin Patch Hayride or Haunted Hayride?
Pumpkin Patch. Yes, I like a good scare…from behind the tv screen, where zombies can’t grab me and pull me into the dark forest- to the chain saw shed.

What song is a must for a Halloween Party Playlist?
Monster Mash

Favorite Halloween Monster: Dracula, Frankenstein, other?
Frankie! He’s my favorite Halloween icon.

Cider or Cocoa? 
If I chose cider, I wouldn’t be named Agatha Chocolats. Cocoa, for sure. And bring on the whipped cream!

Pumpkin Spice: Yum, or Yuck?
Mostly, yum. Until it gets out of hand, and I’m smelling it all day in toilet cleansers and laundry detergent.

Which is scariest: Spiders, Zombies, or Clowns?
Clowns. Yep.

Best find in a Trick or Treat bag?
A Pumpkin Wrapped Lindor Truffle

Worst thing to get in your Trick or Treat bag?
*gifs by giphy.
Your Turn! 
If you have the time to participate, I’d love to hear your answers!👻

8 thoughts on “You’ve Been Tagged! Halloween Tag”

  1. Why, thank ya! I do love playing tag!
    Okay! Here are my Halloween Tag answers:

    1) What scent sets the Holiday mood?
    I love the smell of pine cones and any Fall scented candles!!!

    2) Favorite Halloween Fun-size Candy Bar?
    HANDS DOWN Simply Caramel Milkyway Candy Bar! I HEART CARAMEL! 😉

    3) Favorite Halloween movie?
    I don’t like scary movies, but I always have to watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

    4) Favorite seasonal sweet?
    Candy Corn! I stock up on it until next year rolls around!! Lol

    5) What toppings are on a the perfect candy apple?
    Caramel, caramel and more caramel! Lolol
    Other than that, chocolate, popcorn and…. Of course, caramel 😄

    6) What’s your favorite costume you ever wore on Halloween?
    Yes! Wonder Woman!!!! ( I knew you were my long lost sister from another mother! Lolol)
    True story. I had it professionally made for me, wore it to a Halloween costume party
    at a nightclub and won first place!!!! TRUE STORY 😂

    7) Most enjoyable Fall tradition?
    I don’t have a Fall tradition, but after watching The Kitchen this past weekend I want to start
    one! They painted mini pumpkins like donuts and put lace design pantyhose over large
    pumpkins! So cool!

    8) Pumpkin patch hayride or haunted house?
    Pumpkin patch. Don’t like scary or being scared.

    9) What song is a must for a Halloween party playlist?
    The Adams Family show theme song! Lol

    10) Favorite Halloween monster?

    11) Cider or cocoa?
    COCOA! I just recently went on a date and had Iced Hot Chocolate! Yes! It was gooood!

    12) Pumpkin spice, yum or yuck?
    I agree with you, mostly yum until it gets out of hand.

    13) What is the scariest?

    14) Best find in a trick-or-treat bag?
    Hmmm. A popcorn ball!!! I love popcorn balls!!!!

    15) Worst things to get in your trick-or-treat bag?
    Veggie puffs, for sure.

    That was fun! Thanks, Sis!😉


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